The History of Diving as you would have imagined is simply from habitancy jumping off things into the water. The earliest forms of diving took the form of habitancy jumping off cliffs, hills or trees. As diving history progressed habitancy began to jump off of man made features such as buildings, bridges and fishing piers. Some of the customary dwellers from exotic places used to impress the tourists while cliff diving and it sparked an interest in these individuals to take the feat back to there homes which helped spread diving.
The earliest of competitions in diving history was in the late 1800's. Often performed throughout Europe most every athlete performed the basic forward level dive. Diving first debuted in the Olympics in St. Louis at the 1904 games where only made its first Olympic appearance at the 1904 St. Louis Games. It wasn't until 1908 that springboard diving was invented.
Around the early 1900's the diving world began to relax a estimate of its rules which started the evolution of pikes, tucks and somersaults. Diving has since evolved into a very athletic display of power, skill and grace. A sport that has roots in gymnastics more so than swimming, which is evident of its Swedish ancestors who practiced training for gymnastics by landing in the water.
Diving all the time gains popularity around the time of the Summer Olympics as spectators line up to see unbelievable feats of flexibility, drive and power. The most important diver in Us diving history is Greg Louganis, who went on to win some gold medals in dramatic fashion. The Us has all the time recognized diving at every scholastic level. Most high schools and colleges say diving teams that often train with the swim teams. But don't get them mixed up, as divers are surely not considered swimmers.
The history of diving is a straightforward one that involves the evolution of a sport from something as straightforward as jumping off high elevations into water. The sport has become one of titanic athletes conquering great feats in the air that leave spectators breathless. From the summer pool party to the many athletes in the world, diving will all the time be great fun....So goes the history of diving.
History of Diving
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