Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Authors@Google: Alice Walker

1# Authors@Google: Alice Walker. Advertisements

VDO of Authors@Google: Alice Walker

Authors@Google: Alice Walker Tube. Duration : 57.52 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Medgar Evers College Bookstore. In October, 2010, Alice Walker joined Googlers in Mountain View for a day of conversation and readings from her latest book of poetry, Hard Times Require Furious Dancing. "[This] collection of new poems is written especially for the times we're living through. Alice Walker is known throughout the world as not only a great writer but an activist and a woman who shares the inner turmoil and outer struggles of her life. Readers admire her ability to bare her heart and soul, but to also speak out about the world as she sees it, often becoming a catalyst for change. As the title [Hard Times Require Furious Dancing] suggests, these poems were written during struggles and sadness and deal with the loss of siblings, the loss of a beloved dog, the estrangement in families, violence and struggles on the world stage, and the simple joy of life itself. The words dance, they sing, they heal our hearts and touch our souls." Excerpt from the Press Release from New World Library. If you want to hear Alice Walker reading from Hard Times -- you can check out her YouTube channel:
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