Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hookups, Dating, the "Egypt Story" + College Nostalgia - Common Room

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College nostalgia... with summer here its time to reminisce! If you could redo college, what would you do differently, and why? From John's desire to try for more substantial relationships, to Chelsey's career concerns, to Rick's incredibly personal questions, what does the Common Room crew think? Watch and find out! If you could redo college, what would you do differently? Would you be more social, or even more promiscuos? Would you study abroad, or not? Would you do a completely different major? Do you disagree with what any of the Common Room crew would redo? Let us know what you think in the comments down below! We'd like to thank Taryn Brooks, Chelsey Bex, and Alex Sanborn for joining us! If you have a topic you want to see discussed on the Common Room, leave a message down below or tweet us! Subscribe to TYT University for more Common Room: Follow us on twitter! Tags: "college sex" "hooking up" "random hookups" "college nostalgia" "redoing college" "college stories" "study abroad stories" "study abroad experience" "the young turks" "the common room" "tyt university"
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