According to current group of Labor statistics, today's college graduates will, on average, have 8 to 10 jobs and as many as 3 careers in their lifetime. In addition, in today's job shop with downsizing, rightsizing, layoffs, mergers and acquisitions, etc. Your job skills and job-hunting skills need to be constantly updated and refined.
The job shop is getting tougher and your competition is getting smarter. That's why you need to gain every advantage you can. You need to come to be a Job-Search "Commando". Commandos commonly use guerrilla tactics to win. What I am about to share with you are tactics that have helped me find good jobs over the last 28 years.
Commando Tactic #1 - qoute solvers get jobs!
All associates have problems. Demonstrate that you can solve a company's problems and the world will beat a path to your door.
What type of issues do associates have?
* Sales are down
* Expenses are up
* shop share is decreasing
* Layoffs are coming
* The firm is in acquisition mode
* New departments/divisions are being formed
* someone is retiring or going on leave
* The firm is entering a new market
* A new product has been developed
* New ad campaigns are being discussed
* A group that was outsourced is now being brought in-house (ad agency, communal Relations)
* They are in need of new leadership
* Assignments/goals/objectives are not being met
* The competition is chronic to gain shop share.
At this moment, dozens of associates in your surrounding area are in immediate need of someone like you to help solve their problems; you just need to find them. That leads us to broadcast letters.
Commando Tactic #2 - Broadcast letters uncover positions in the "hidden" job market.
A Broadcast or Marketing letter is an excellent way to uncover positions that have not been announced yet. Many habitancy call this the inexpressive job market. Once you tap into the inexpressive job market, your occasion of success growth dramatically.
Why? Because you are not competitive with a "million" other habitancy that answered the same ad. There are no other habitancy because there was no ad!
Broadcast letters can help originate leads for you because associates always problems that need to be solved. As they say, timing is all so if your letter arrives at the right time, you may find yourself with a job interview.
In addition to solving a qoute (see list above) that the firm currently has or will have in the near future, inspecting you might genuinely save them money.
How? If you are the right candidate to help solve a qoute or address a specific issue, they will not have to pay a recruiter, or place any ads on, or in dozens of newspapers. - every person wins!
Commando Tactic #3 - Answering blind ads lessens your competition.
Many habitancy think that answering blind ads opens yourself up to the possibility that you might be sending your cover and resume to your current company. While there is that possibility, the ad hopefully gives you enough facts to recognize it as your won company.
What most job hunters don't comprehend it that blind ads will usually only get about 50% of the responses that a former ad would get. What that means is that you are competitive with half the number of habitancy you usually would. This essentially doubles your chances of having your resume and cover letter premium for a follow-up phone call.
Commando Tactic #4 - The best time to sass an ad?
Be the last resume received. I made it a habit of sending in my cover letter and resume 2 weeks after the ad ran. By then I knew I was not competitive with 500 other resumes that were sent in right away. My facts got more time because the hiring manager did not have to read 499 other resumes the same day.
Commando Tactic #5 - sass ads twice
If you never hear from a firm where you sent in your resume, send someone else cover letter and resume in about 2 months. Many times, the position was not filled because there was no mighty candidate or the firm and candidate could not come to terms on a recompense package. This means they have to start from scratch. Your resume may arrive just at the right time and get a second look.
By following some of these Commando tactics, you chances of seeing the job you want will growth dramatically.
conversational tone 5 Easy Ways To become a Job-Search conversational tone
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