Numerous news agencies are reporting that a sewage medicine plant in Japan has figured out a way to mine raw sewage for gold - and they are nothing else but extracting more gold than many of the top gold mines.
They burn up the sludge and then pull out the metal that survives the heat. And here is the real surprise! They are getting more than 4 pounds of gold from each ton of the fly ash that it produces from processing wastewater. And they are anticipating 4600 lbs per year - at about 00 per ounce, it is a nice sideline for them.
But Patrick Atkins, director of energy innovation at Alcoa, a large aluminum manufacturing firm, figures that there are tons more gold in lowly garbage dumps and landfills all over the U.S. And Canada, than the Japanese can get from their sewage. Right now it is estimated that one ton of scrap from discarded computers and other electronic devices contains more gold than can be produced from 17 tons of gold ore. And some researchers point out that we throw away 29 million tons of electronic items a year!
And here we concept we were going to have a qoute figuring out what to do with all our trash! Recycling could become much more lucrative than we thought. In fact, with commodity prices high, some habitancy dig straight through landfills for metals and other items in what is called 'landfill mining'.
But my beloved story was the one that came out a few years ago about some enterprising college kids in California who wondered if there was adequate gold in the old 'played out' mines to make it worth their time to go seeing with metal detectors. Well, as it turns out, there was! Even the mines owners knew there was still gold in the depleted shafts, but they had to move so many tons of dirt to get it, that it wasn't worth their time or effort. Now, with metal detectors to take the gold hunters right to the ore-filled veins, it was a whole new story.
Look colse to you, entrepreneurs are development veritable fortunes with leftovers, discards and even the bottom forms of waste. What is your company, school or enterprise throwing away? What are others casting aside that can be salvaged, converted or restored? You may be sitting on a gold mine - in some cases, literally!
here are the findings One Man's Trash Is other Man's Treasure! here are the findings
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